F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (2024)


F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (2)

F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (3)Posts: 105
Threads: 10
Joined: Dec 2015

Machine: Resmed Aircurve 10 VAuto
Mask Type: Nasal pillows
Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airfit P30i
Humidifier: resmed
CPAP Pressure: 6.2 - 10.8 cm. H2O
CPAP Software: OSCAR

Other Comments:

Sex: Male
Location: Ontario


04-26-2019, 08:23 PM

F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned.

A month ago I purchased the F&PBrevida nasal pillow mask. For the three plus years I had been on CPAP I had only used the P10 but recent discussions (P10 diffuser problems)motivated me to explore other similar masks. After several weeks I was still struggling to reduce leaks, unable to match the low levels I had managedto achieve withthe P10. I was using the M-L size pillowthat came with the mask and I noticed that the pillow tilted noticeably to on side when seated in the frame - the S sized pillow was seated properly. On examination it appeared that theplasticring on the pillow appeared to be rotated about 10-15degrees from its proper position. I ordered two new M-L pillows from another supplier and they arrived last week. My leak rate is now the same as for the P10 (<2.0 L/M 95%). These pillows both fit properly. With the faulty pillow I had to tighten one strap more than the other to minimise the leak rate. With the new pillows both straps are set to the same length.
By looking at the orientation of the alignmentnotch onthe pillow'splastic ring it is clear that is is rotated, forcing it to engage with the mask frame in such a way that the soft silicon wings om the pilloware rotatedwith respect to the plastic wings on the mask frame. I am not able rotate it back to the proper orientation.



F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (8)

F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (9)Posts: 127
Threads: 29
Joined: Feb 2019

Machine: Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset for her
Mask Type: Nasal pillows
Mask Make & Model: F&P Brevida
Humidifier: Resmed Climateline
CPAP Pressure: 9-15
CPAP Software: Not using softwaremyAir

Other Comments:

Sex: Male
Location: USA


04-27-2019, 03:54 AM

RE: F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned.

This is interesting since I think my leak rates with the Brevida are also an annoyance. It's also the only pillow I know, except for the p10 which I had for a few nights during my in home study.

Was there anything you could do about the plastic ring on the pillow or is it as it is from the factory (i.e. not user changeable)?



F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (13)

F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (14)Posts: 105
Threads: 10
Joined: Dec 2015

Machine: Resmed Aircurve 10 VAuto
Mask Type: Nasal pillows
Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airfit P30i
Humidifier: resmed
CPAP Pressure: 6.2 - 10.8 cm. H2O
CPAP Software: OSCAR

Other Comments:

Sex: Male
Location: Ontario


04-27-2019, 04:50 AM

RE: F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned.

VroomVroom, I tried to rotate the ring back slightly but it would not budge - at least with the amount of force I was willing to exert without fear of damaging. If you look at the ring carefully with the bulge in the plastic defining 12 o'clock, the notch should be at 12 o'clock as well (mine was between 11 and 12). You can check on the small pillow that comes with the mask for comparison (my small pillow was correct).



F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (18)

F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (19)Posts: 105
Threads: 10
Joined: Dec 2015

Machine: Resmed Aircurve 10 VAuto
Mask Type: Nasal pillows
Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airfit P30i
Humidifier: resmed
CPAP Pressure: 6.2 - 10.8 cm. H2O
CPAP Software: OSCAR

Other Comments:

Sex: Male
Location: Ontario


05-02-2019, 10:17 AM

RE: F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned.

I contacted F&P and they took the details and created a reference number but I have to go thru the supplier as they do not deal directly with customers. I bought the mask from supplier 34 so I contacted them with the reference number so now I have to wait. I will try to insert a picture.

Attached FilesThumbnail(s)



F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (25)

F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (26)Posts: 105
Threads: 10
Joined: Dec 2015

Machine: Resmed Aircurve 10 VAuto
Mask Type: Nasal pillows
Mask Make & Model: Resmed Airfit P30i
Humidifier: resmed
CPAP Pressure: 6.2 - 10.8 cm. H2O
CPAP Software: OSCAR

Other Comments:

Sex: Male
Location: Ontario


05-27-2019, 02:24 PM

RE: F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned.

After some delay, largely due to slow communication between suppler 34 and F & P I received a brand new Brevida Fit-pack - Ihad only asked for a replacement for the faulty pillow but I guess sincesupplier 34 only sells the completemask, that is what I got. All now works great and I am very happy as I now have spares. F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (27)



F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (31)

F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (32)Posts: 1,781
Threads: 60
Joined: Jan 2017

Machine: DreamStation Auto
Mask Type: Nasal pillows
Mask Make & Model: P10 (modified)
Humidifier: in use
CPAP Pressure: 9-15
CPAP Software: OSCAR

Other Comments:

Sex: Female
Location: USA


05-29-2019, 01:06 AM

RE: F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned.

How weird. It must have been a faulty one. That's great the supplier helped you out.

I've had some leak issues with the Brevida (which I have also switched to, since realizing my P10 was suffocating me). Last night, I wore the Brevida upside-down, and it sealed so much better!


F&P Brevida - pillow misaligned. (2024)
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